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a 5 day dynamic and directional teaching camp aimed at Christian home-educated teens between 15-17 years.
What is JumpStart?

An Awesome 5 Day Teaching Camp
God’s Word + mandatory fun!
JUMPSTART is a 5 day dynamic and directional teaching camp aimed at Christian home-educated teens between 15-17 years.
This camp is uniquely designed to provide solid foundational Bible teaching, contemporary apologetics, and to address some key life issues that Christian youth may be facing today. Jumpstart also offers a variety of planned recreational activities, meaningful worship, and the opportunity to develop wholesome and lasting friendships with peers who love Jesus.
Spiritual foundations will be reinforced, friendships will be strengthened, and most importantly, one’s relationship with Jesus Christ ‘as our LIFE’ will be taught, nurtured and encouraged.
Jumpstart is not only about equipping the next generation in the Word and ways of God, but even more importantly to help them discover who Jesus Christ really is, and all He wants to be and do in their life!
“See to it that NO ONE takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to CHRIST” (Colossians 2:8)