
An Awesome 5 Day Teaching Camp

God’s Word + mandatory fun!

JUMPSTART is a 5 day dynamic and directional teaching camp aimed at Christian home-educated teens between 15-17 years.

This camp is uniquely designed to provide solid foundational Bible teaching, contemporary apologetics, and to address some key life issues that Christian youth may be facing today. Jumpstart also offers a variety of planned recreational activities, meaningful worship, and the opportunity to develop wholesome and lasting friendships with peers who love Jesus.

Spiritual foundations will be reinforced, friendships will be strengthened, and most importantly, one’s relationship with Jesus Christ ‘as our LIFE’ will be taught, nurtured and encouraged.

Jumpstart is not only about equipping the next generation in the Word and ways of God, but even more importantly to help them discover who Jesus Christ really is, and all He wants to be and do in their life!

“See to it that NO ONE takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to CHRIST” (Colossians 2:8)

Camp Theme

The Sovereign Rule of God
The Book of Daniel

In order that the living may know that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind.” - Daniel 4:17


Why is Daniel so important?
Daniel is one of the few Bible books that takes place during a period of judgment (many books foretell it and a few look back on it) and in a foreign nation. Whether it’s in the contrast between the culture’s idol worship and Daniel’s faithful purity or in the account of the arrogant Nebuchadnezzar and his humbling encounter with God, the pagan backdrop in Daniel makes the Lord’s power shine through in a magnificent and majestic way that stands out in Scripture. The book of Daniel makes it clear that the true God is the supreme ruler over heaven and earth (Daniel 4:17), even when all seems lost and the consequences of sin seem overwhelming.

What's the big idea?
The book of Daniel stands as a unique mix in the Old Testament, for while it begins with history, it makes a strong transition at chapter 7, where it contains visions of future events significant to the Jews. In particular, Daniel 9:24–27 gives a meticulous timeline of when Israel’s Messiah would appear and the events that would follow.

In both the historical and the prophetic sections, Daniel presents a strong case for the absolute sovereignty of God, even over a multiplicity of self-absorbed foreign powers. This theme of sovereignty occurs on numerous occasions, including Daniel’s deliverance from the lions’ den, his friends’ rescue from the fiery furnace, and the future arrival of the Ancient of Days to save His people from the forces of evil (Daniel 3:23–30; 6:19–23; 7:9–22).

How do I apply this?
Daniel and his God-fearing friends were forced to live in Babylon, far from home and far from the land their Lord had promised them. Later in the book, Daniel prophesied of terrible trials still to come in the Promised Land (Daniel 11:31). Whatever the trial was, though, it was always the result of sin.

Have you ever endured the weight or consequences of sin and felt as though God had left you behind, that He had stranded you in a world far from the comforts associated with home? The book of Daniel paints a portrait of how to serve God faithfully in the middle of such a world and how to persevere in hope even with no immediate solutions to the problems that get us down.

(Copyright ©️ 2009 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.)


DaleEpp Profile

Dale Epp

JumpStart Director

Originally from Canada where he worked in construction by day and played in a ‘heavy metal’ band by night, Dale has been with the Capernwray ministry (formally Torchbearers International) for nearly 30 years. He and his wife Patti first spent several years on staff at His Hill before moving to NZ in 2003 to pioneer and lead the Bible school there for 11 years.

Dale is a regular guest teacher at several of the Torchbearer Bible Schools, and is also a self-employed builder in NZ.  He is the Founder and Director for Jumpstart - a growing camp ministry in NZ (and soon to Australia!!) aimed at home-educated teens.  Dale and his wife have 2 adult children.


Peter Thomas

Capernwray Australia

Peter retired as Director/Principal of Capernwray Australia in 2021 but is still involved in teaching and is on the Board. He is now serving as interim pastor at Bowral Baptist church and has involvement in a number of other ministries informally. HIs passion is teaching the timeless truths of Christ's life through the Word of God and relating that to the everyday world.  

"Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” - Colossians 1:28

Location & Times

Capernwray Torchbearers Australia
596 Moss Vale Road,
Burradoo, NSW
Australia 2576

4th - 9th May, 2025


Please visit the Capernwray Australia website for further location information.


The price represents incredible value for money and includes all accommodation, meals, teaching sessions and activities.

All prices are in AUD.

$405.00 / person

$385.00 - for each member of same family (if more than 1 attending)

$370.00 - for the individual who refers a friend who registers AND attends, and is a first-time attendee.

*Please note, the actual costs for these camps are nearly double the stated costs. These camps could not be possible without the generous donations of individuals, Christian businesses, and Churches. Not only this, but the youth leaders are also taking valuable time off school or work in order to volunteer for each week of camp - a real sacrifice on their part. THANK YOU for supporting this unique ministry and investing in the gospel to and for the next generation!


  • All
  • Board of Reference
  • Campers
  • Parents

K. P.

Thank you Dale you have put into making the Jumpstart weeks so successful. It’s a fantastic opportunity for HS teens to have an intensive week of bible study, discussion, reflection as well as just good fun being teenagers together. It must be a huge feat to organise all the aspects of it and a big commitment for you outside of your regular work and family. The Paterson family have certainly benefited greatly from these weeks, over the years, and with 4 teens now having all been,  and I am very appreciative.


Dear Scott and Dale
I just wanted to say thank you and give you feedback on the recent camp. Our son attended the camp, and what a delight. He has attended other camps, and the spirit that he came back with was totally different this time. He came back as our boy, the son we love, and I tribute this directly to your values and the spirit that was there at the camp.

We as parents have learnt a lot from him in the few hours that he has been back and awake (it’s been a full-on camp by the sounds of it).

So thank you again, we as parents truly appreciate what you invest in our children.  We are very keen for him to attend another camp in the future. 

Is there a Jumpstart 2.0 for parents, or at least can we have a glimpse at the material that was presented?,… it sounds amazing.
Shalom and Shalom 


Dear Dale, Patti, and all involved in Jumpstart,
I just want to say how deeply I appreciate Jumpstart being available for Christian young people. 

My daughter first attended in 2019.  Shortly afterwards we were driving together and I mentioned that I was struggling to understand "the old man".  Immediately, she explained what she had learned at camp and let me borrow her notes on Colossians.  They were a great help to me.  

She returned with full notes from Jumpstart 2020 and I was able to take a week's retreat to read through and copy them for myself.  It was a rewarding investment of my time.  I am grateful for the clear teaching both in Eschatology and Life Issues.  I well remember struggling to apply the spiritual to the practical when I was young.  Jumpstart would have been a great help!

I am thankful to the Lord for including me in the ripples of blessing that extend from what you have allowed Him to do through you.

Yours because His,

D. B.

I found jumpstart to be very helpful in bringing the word of God alive. And the way Dale and Kris and Doug taught us also helped me understand what they were talking about. I realised that I did not read the word as often as I should to have a proper friendship with Christ. Jumpstart is awesome and I think it is worth the time.


The Crossing is a great place to learn and have fun. The talent show and night games were very fun. I enjoyed the deep understanding of God that the teachers and small group leaders had which was ever present. I am definitely keen to go again.

Rosie Boom, Author and Speaker (from 2018)

Next week my son Jake will attend his third Jumpstart in Hamilton.  He loves these camps because they don’t simply have activities and a speaker, but they get you involved in Bible study too.  It’s Fun, inspiring, and challenging!!!

S & A

We are so very grateful to Dale and team, for establishing the Jumpstart camps for home-schooling teens. I had earnestly asked the LORD specifically for solid Bible based camps for our teens, to support the Biblical foundation and development of a deep, personal relationship with Christ, that we were striving to emulate in our home. Jumpstart camps have done this, with plenty of fun and friendship as part of the package. We thank God for His faithfulness, and the on-going opportunities for some of our children to be leaders themselves and give back to the next group of young people following them.
Thank you.

S. P.

It was really awesome! The study is pretty intense, but there was a good mix of sport and other activities to break it up.. Yes, I do highly recommend it! 🙂


If you require any further information or have any questions or queries please call
Dale on +64 27 398 7099 or email register@jumpstart.nz

JumpStart Australia Registration

JumpStart Australia - Camp Registration Form