Community Lifestyle Statement

JUMPSTART is for home-educated teenagers who want to grow in their relationship with Jesus and reflect that relationship in their world. Because of individual differences, we have found it necessary to adopt some Rules and a Lifestyle Statement for the Community of people that will come together at JUMPSTART.

Our purpose is to encourage one another and not to offend others. In 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 it says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble…for I am not seeking my own good but the good of many.”

These Policies are not the only way to live, but is the way that all who attend JUMPSTART will live for the duration of the event. It includes the conduct of all Leaders and Jumpstarters.



By attending JUMPSTART, we are all committed to follow the following JUMPSTART Rules for the duration of the event:

  • All Jumpstarters and Leaders must take part in the daily required activities. This includes all teaching Sessions, discussion Groups, worship/devotions, and scheduled Activities.
  • Exceptions must be cleared with a Jumpstart leader who will also take action depending on the need.


  • I will follow the instructions of staff and leaders, and will respect them.
  • I will treat everyone with respect, love and forgiveness.
  • I acknowledge that Jumpstart is drug and alcohol free, therefore I will not use alcohol or drugs of any kind during Jumpstart.
  • I will not swear or use other offensive language at Jumpstart.
  • I will take part in the daily-required activities.
  • I am committed to follow the Jumpstart Dress Code.
  • I agree with the Jumpstart Community Lifestyle Statement and I will live this way during the Jumpstart event. I understand that this is an agreement before God and not just people. There will be consequences for breaking these rules, based on the seriousness of the offense, which may include informing my parent or guardian and being removed from active Jumpstart participation.


By attending JUMPSTART, we are all committed to follow the following the JUMPSTART Dress Code for the duration of the event.

  • Everyone should wear tops – no belly tops/see-through tops/tops that are low cut.
  • Do not wear clothing or accessories bearing offensive text or graphics (for example, drugs, fascist, violent, sexual or occultist related messages)
  • Undergarments should be worn but not seen (including bras for girls)
  • Shorts must be at least mid-thigh in length
  • Trousers must be at least waist high in length

We encourage you to cover too much rather than too little. For some of you we may have to come to you and ask you to put more on or change something; do not take that personally. We just want to help you, in that what you are wearing will not offend others. It is even better to ask your coach or another leader if you are unsure.