JumpStart RegistrationAustralia Australia registrations are now open.JumpStart Australia - Camp Registration Form"*" indicates required fieldsParent / Caregivers Name* First Last In case of an emergency, please list phone numbers where you (parent/caregiver), and at least one other person (a friend or relative), may be contacted during the course of the camp.Relationship*Email Address* Mobile contact number*Day time contact number*Night time contact number*Child Registration Name AgeActions EditDelete There are no Campers. Add Camper Maximum number of campers reached. HiddenNumberProduct Name Price: $ 0.00 Discount AppliedTotal Consent* I, the Parent/Caregiver agree to the following· I give permission for (my child/the child in my care) to attend the camp. · I am aware that certain aspects of the programme may be physically and emotionally demanding. · I understand that certain inherent risks and dangers may exist in the activities in which the camper will take part. I acknowledge that, while JumpStart and its leaders will make every reasonable effort to minimise exposure to known risks, some hazards and dangers associated with these activities cannot be foreseen or may be beyond the control of JumpStart and its team. · In the EVENT OF ANY EMERGENCY where the camper’s emergency contact people are unavailable: 1. I authorise the team to obtain medical advice and/or assistance that they deem necessary. 2. I further authorise qualified practitioners to administer anaesthetic if required. 3. I accept all operation, and/or anaesthetic risks involved in the event that such procedures are deemed necessary. 4. I accept the responsibility for payment of any medical, transport or other related expenses. · I consent to the camper’s personal information being securely held by JumpStart for the purposes of appropriate care during the camp and contact details retained only for notification of future events. · I confirm that the information given is true and correct, and I will advise the Team Leader promptly of any changes.Community Standards* I have read the Community Lifestyle Statement (see below) and agree to abide by it for the duration of the camp.Because JumpStart is a unique environment, we have some policies that may be different from some of our Christian cultures. I want to make sure that the Jumpstarters who come, have understood and agreed to abide by our standards when they arrive. Please remember specifically: Dress Code - We ask that our students exercise modesty in dress and appearance during their time with us. This means: Dress Code - We ask that our students exercise modesty in dress and appearance during their time with us. This means: • Everyone should wear tops – no belly tops/see-through tops/tops that are low cut. • Do not wear clothing or accessories bearing offensive text or graphics (for example, drugs, fascist, violent, sexual or occultist related messages) • Undergarments should be worn but not seen (including bras for girls) • Shorts must be at least mid-thigh in length • Trousers must be at least waist high in lengthMoral Code - We do not allow ANY romantic physical affection between males and females. We ask you to exercise discipline and discretion, wisdom, and wholeness, regarding male-female relationships.Devices - We understand the value of personal phones for the purposes of communication with parents if needed, but at Jumpstart they need to be left in the cabin rooms and are not to be brought out to public areas.